Summer CSA Week 2

Another week, another boxes of CSA goodies. Looks like my wishes from last week have been answered. Because this week’s boxes included:

  • Slicer tomatoes
  • Cucumbers’
  • Peaches
  • Cantaloupe
  • Kale
  • Bell peppers
  • Jalapeno peppers (hot)
  • Banana peppers
  • Sweet Corn

I also have some banana peppers from my own garden to harvest. Which means we’ll definitely be having a pasta, onions, peppers saute this week. I roasted the corn on the grill, cut it off the cob and froze it because we’ve been getting a half dozen ears of corn each week and I’m having trouble using them all. I figure the corn will be nice when winter comes or when I want to have some roasted corn for a smokey Texas style chile.

The cantelope was so ripe that we had to cut it up and eat it immediately. Which got me thinking about making fruit bars with it and some of the peaches. I found a recipe for melon peach frozen yogurt but no fruit bars. My last attempt at frozen fruit yogurt bars resulted in bars that were too hard. So I need to get a recipe that will tell me the right proportions.