Summer CSA Week 10

This is the last week of the summer CSA and the box I got was full of lots of tasty goodies including:

  • cucumbers
  • yellow squash
  • zucchini
  • sweet potatoes
  • baby arugula
  • eggplant
  • bell peppers
  • cherry tomatoes
  • jalapenos
  • micro greens

As far as I’m concerned this is the best box I’ve gotten so far. The contents are super easy to use and I probably won’t have to buy any veggies at the grocery store this week. Well maybe some onions.

The Fall CSA doesn’t start until the week of 9/24. It is going to be a long month without fresh veggies. I may have to go to the local Farmer’s Market to keep myself from dying from grocery store vegetable boredum. I looking forward to see what I’m going to get  then the fall CSA does start. If the farm’s website is any indicator I should get some awesome stuff in the fall.

  • Maybe some Citrus
  • Broccoli and Cauliflower
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Greens
  • Herbs

While I’m no so patiently waiting for the fall CSA to start, I’ll dig into the freezer for some things I’ve squirreled away from earlier share overflow. I’ve got corn, kale, mustard greens and green beans frozen. This plus my four squash should make for some interesting recipes in the interim.