Summer CSA Box Week 6

This week’s CSA box arrived and had the following

  • Watermelon
  • Zucchini
  • Bell Pepper
  • Banana Pepper
  • Micro Greens
  • Kale
  • Okra
  • Sweet Corn

We got a huge bunch of banana peppers in this week’s box that I’m not really sure what I’m going to do with. I’m wondering I can make banana pepper poppers with them since the jalapeno poppers turned out so well. The problem is the banana peppers are sweet with a hint of spicy and so they aren’t really popper material. Couple other alternatives are

  • roast them and put them in sandwiches
  • put them on a sausage a pepper pizza
  • put the in a sauted onions and peppers dish

In truth I can do all of these things with them and probably still not use them all up.

Another challenge is the watermelon which is a lot for one person to eat. I’ve still got the watermelon from the box two weeks ago. I’ve made popsicles with it and eaten a lot of it raw. I’m probably going to have my spouse take this one to work and share it.

What I’m most excited about is the okra. I LOVE okra stir fried and will probably make a stir fry with it and some of the peppers and zucchini. They key with cooking it is to get the wok oil super hot before you put it in. This will quick fry and seal the okra so it doesn’t get super sticky.

Still no eggplant this week 🙁 Maybe next week and hopefully I can save some of the pepper so I can make a hummus and roasted vegetable wrap with it all.