Spring CSA Week 9

This weeks CSA share contained

  • Green Beans
  • Peaches
  • New Potatoes
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Slicer Tomatoes
  • Micro Greens
  • Bell Peppers
  • Cucumbers
  • Yellow Squash

Unfortunately some of the peaches were kind of banged up which means I needed to use them ASAP. So I diced and frozen them after sprinkling with some fruit saver. Will probably make a cobbler with them later in the summer. That or peach crisp which I personally prefer. The new potatoes made great homefries. One trick I use to make them cook faster is to microwave them for a bit so they are partially cooked, Then fry them. This has the same effect as using them after they’ve been boiled and takes a lot less time. Having eggs, homefries and bacon as a weekend brunch just can’t be beat!