Spring CSA Week 8

This week’s CSA box consisted of

  • Carrots
  • Green Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Spring Onions
  • Peaches
  • New Potatoes
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Slicer Tomatoes
  • Micro Greens
  • Bell Peppers
  • Cucumbers

The tomatoes were SUPER ripe when I picked up the box. So ripe that we decide to just make a Caprese Salad with them and some basil and mozzarella from the store. We used the last bit of olive oil from our 2009 Italy anniversary trip to drizzle on them. They were so amazing. The only thing that could have improved it was if the basil was from my garden. Unfortunately that isn’t likely this year as 2 successive sets of plants I’ve started have died.

Even with making a caprese salad I’ve still got a bunch of slicer tomatoes left, which can only mean one thing – BLTs. I also STILL have more cherry tomatoes than I know what to do with. I might make a pesto with some of these and another mini caprese salad with a few more.

Like the tomatoes, the cucumbers are likely to be very simply prepared. Either an Asian cucumber salad or just sliced with vinegar and pepper. The peaches won’t last long as my spouse has been powering through them as lunch snacks. The green beans will go in a stir fry, the broccoli will be roasted and the potatoes made into homefries to be served with over easy farm fresh eggs.

That just leaves the carrots, which I have a plethora of. I’d like to make a cake or bread but the spouse isn’t supposed to eat such things. So maybe I’ll bake and take whatever with me to Ohio when I go the week after next. We haven’t had a baked good to celebrate our new co-workers yet. So it seems perfectly appropriate to bring treats don’t you think?