Spring CSA Week 4

It is Thursday again, which means CSA pickup day! I look forward to seeing what I get in my box each week. This week’s share included

  • Snow Peas
  • Collard Greens
  • Beets
  • Zucchini and Summer Squash
  • Microgreens
  • Salad greens
  • Carrots
  • Spring Onions

We were at the end of our veggies from the previous week so we immediately cooked up the zucchini and summer squash for dinner with our steak. I made a batch of beet puree and frozen it so I can use it to try out a Flourless beet chocolate cake. The collard greens I washed and cleaned to use later in the week. Either in a casserole or an Ethiopia dish. The beet greens, some of which were a little too gone to consume are also washed and stored for later use. I expect the carrots will be snacks while the microgreens and spring salad greens will make their way into sandwiches. The snow peas are destined for a stir fry for sure.

All and all I’m really enjoying my weekly box of treats. I’m guessing I’ll probably sign up for the summer share as well. My own garden is producing some too. I picked spinach, green beans and beet greens this week to make a salad for a friend who was in town. The greens were just awesome. It looks like most of my herbs have turned the corner and are going to survive. Being planted outside seems to have done a world of good for them but I have to keep them pretty well watered because it is starting to get rather warm here. Hopefully this summer won’t be as dry as the last, but only time will tell.