Spring CSA Week 2

Today was CSA pickup day again. I’ve used most of the veggies from last week’s share. Try as I might the beet chips were a disgusting failure and I’ve still got carrots and beet greens left. In contrast, the sugar snap peas were a HUGE hit as was the cauliflower, mixed greens, sprouts and strawberries.

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This week’s share included even more variety

  • Mixed greens
  • Sprouts
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Zucchini and Summer Squash
  • Carrots
  • Sugar Snap Peas
  • Beets

I’m amazed at home much I get in my share, well 1/2 share. Thank god I don’t get a full share I definitely couldn’t use it all in a week!

I’m still searching for some way to prepare the beets that I don’t think is gross. This week I’m going to try putting them in a smoothie, minus the banana in this recipe. Because I like those even less than beets. Another option is beet bread. Two potential recipes caught my eye

Another option is beet cupcakes which according to the recipe look like red velvet cake but taste of chocolate goodness. I’ve got no choice but to try some of these if I want to use my beets. I’ll report back if there is success or the search continues.