Sous vide chocolate mousse

I really love chocolate mousse but it can be kind of tricky to make because of the fact it involves custard making. If one curdles the eggs during the cooking process then the texture of the final product is completely ruined. With a lot of custards you can just sieve them. However chocolate mousse doesn’t really come out correctly if you sieve it.

So given that I have a new sous vide tool, I decided that I would try to make chocolate mousse using that technique. I found a fairly simple recipe and gave it a shot. The preparation of the recipe is really easy. But the next step requires a lot of patience because it the jars have to be sous vide for an hour. Cooled, then chilled in fridge for 12 hours.

The final product was fudgy thick, decadently rich, and super smooth. I almost cried when they were all eaten. I’ll definitely use the sous vide method to make mousse again. But next time I’m thinking something tart like a lemon pot de crème