Searching for healthy carrot muffins/bread

By an accident of duplicate shopping between my spouse and I, I have more carrots that I know what to do with. Up until this spring I’d have just whipped up a carrot cake. But we’re having to eat healthier now and avoid sugar, so carrot cake is out. So what I need is a good healthy recipe for either carrot muffins or bread. An internet search resulted in several possible options but not all of them included nutritional information. I’ve added to Pinboard the recipes that I can tell are healthy based on their nutritional info.

The Whole Wheat Carrot and Pumpkin Seed Muffins look good but they use honey as a sweetener which is a problem because I need to use Splenda in the recipe.

Matthew’s Low Fat Vegan Carrot Spice Muffins and the Carrot Coconut Bread both look good but they have incomplete nutritional information.

I decided on Cinnamon Carrot bread because it featured pecans. The batter was a little thick until I added the carrots. The final product looked really great and smelled good too.