Roasted Spatchcocked Chicken with Herbs

So one of my favorite things to make when I have a little extra time is Roasted Spatchcocked Chicken with Herbs. What herbs I use depends on what I have in my garden and at my disposal.

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This year I have a plethora or herbs at my disposal including

  • Basil
  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Marjoram

If you’re looking for a recipe to follow the best one can suggest to follow is from from Oprah –

Mine sort of riffs on this but I vary the herbs depending on what is fresh. Additionally I always spatchcock the chicken because it means I get crisp skin all over the chicken. If you’re never spatchcocked a chicken before it isn’t that difficult. What is means if removing the backbone from the chicken. You’ll need a good strong pair of kitchen shears to get the job done.

I use a glass 9 x 13 pan to bake the chicken off. The advantage it presents is that it is easier IMHO to clean than a metal pan. Once I place the chicken in the pan, I rub it really really well with my herb mixture. Make sure you shove some of the herbs under the skin of the bird, this will help keep the chicken moist.

Herb Mixture

3 tbs fresh Basil
3 tsp fresh thyme
3 tbs fresh oregano
3 tbs olive oil
4 cloves garlic
2 tsp sea salt

I put all this into a mini food processor and pulse until the ingredients are chopped up.

The chicken gets baked at 375 degrees from 1 – 2 hours depending on the size of the chicken you’re making. The final result is a super moist bird and a ton of drippings. Make sure you remember to rest the bird before you cut it. Otherwise you’ll end up with a big mess because the meat with shred instead of being sliced into nice pieces.

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If you’re into oven roasted potatoes, you can use the drippings from the chicken to make nice oven roasted potatoes. This takes 4-8 potatoes cut into quarters. Put them into the 9 x 13 pan with the drippings. Baste the potatoes with the drippings and place back in the oven for 30 to 45 minutes. If you’re going to make the potatoes make sure you wrap your chicken in foil to keep it warm while the potatoes cook.



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