Red velvet chocolate beet cupcakes

Yeah, I know it sound weird. Beet and chocolate cupcakes. My spouse thought they’d be nasty but they turned out wicked tasty. What I like best about them is the fact they are super moist! Often my cake isn’t moist enough but the beets really help with this.

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Unfortunately, they still are probably not super healthy. Too much processed sugar and flour for that. BUT, I’m guessing they are better then normal cupcakes and nice for a dessert treat. The recipe ended up making around 18. Used up all the beets from two weeks of CSA shares. Huzzah for that. If I get another batch I may try to make the chocolate flourless beet cake recipe I found. In the meantime, I’ve put them in the freezer to take to share with my co-workers later in the summer when I go to the home office.

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