Plum jam

It seems like in the summertime I’ve always got some bits of fruit which is getting ready to go bad sitting on my counter waiting to be eaten or used. Sometime it is peaches, other times apricots, this week it was plums. I’m a big fan of homemade jam, jellies, marmalade and preserves. I’ve posted about making peach jelly before and also kumquat marmalade.

I like to put these on english muffins or waffles in the morning. So jam is one of three my “to go” ways of using leftover fruit. I’d never made jam from plums before but since they are a stone fruit like peaches or apricots, I figured it must be fairly similar. I used my typically technique to remove the skins from the plums. Then added sugar cooked down, then added the package of pectin. The final product setup a LITTLE more than I would have liked but solid consistency isn’t a bad thing with jam. My only surprise was that I didn’t realize how DARK purple it would turn out even though the inside of the plums are not a purple color.