Peach Pie

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Another staple of the CSA box has been peaches and we’ve accumulated more than a few to eat or use. I need to reduce the number I have on hand so I thought about making a peach crisp but didn’t have the time. Instead my spouse decided to make a peach pie since he is the ace at pie crust. The hardest part of was removing the skins from the fresh peach.

Luckily he found instructions on the web which showed how to do this. Basically you cut a X in the bottom on the peach and dip in boiling hot water for about 60 seconds. Remove and dunk in ice cold water. This makes the skin start to peel and you can easily remove it, then pit the peach and slice up.

He also had to figure out how much thickener to add. My choice for fruit pies is always tapioca because the times I’ve used flour it has made a pasty pie – yuck! The pie was nice and moist but probably could have been a tiny bit sweeter. Then again, my opinion is jaded by the fact I’m not a huge fan of peaches. Others are though because the pie barely lasted 4th of July weekend!