Pastitsio FridayPastitsio Friday

Pasta is always a favorite at my house. So tonight I decided to pull out a trusted recipe for Pastitsio. For those you who don’t know about this dish. It is a Greek dish which has layers of pasta in a modified morney sauce and a ground meat and tomato mixture. The recipe is quite […]

Spring Jam MakingSpring Jam Making

One of the things I like most about spring is the chance to get fresh produce, especially fresh fruit and berries. Last year I was able to buy strawberries and apricots in bulk and make jam with them. This was really my first experience making jam and while some of the batches setup nicely, others […]

Lemon TartLemon Tart

I have a lemon bush in my backyard and it typically produces a lot of lemons. However, this past fall it only had three lemons. I was really sad because I like to make lemon flavored things. Biscotti, tarts and lemon meringue pie are some of my favorite things to make. So I decided to […]