Holiday SpritzesHoliday Spritzes

When I got married spritzes became a holiday tradition at my house. My husband got me a “cookie gun” early on and I’ve been using it every year since. A couple of years ago I expanded the number of plates/shapes from the original ones to include some new Xmas specific ones such as Santa, Reindeer, […]

Holiday BakingHoliday Baking

One of my favorite things about the holidays is making treats for family and friends, most of whom live far away. In order to get treats done and sent to arrive on time I typically have to start my baking the weekend after Thanksgiving. This is because I make a dozen different treats. This year […]

Food FunkFood Funk

Some days it is REALLY hard to get excited about making food. This is especially true when I’m cooking for my six year old and I. He is the typical “picky eater”. He has his favorites: mac & cheese, any tube meat (aka sausage, hot dogs), pasta, grilled cheese and most recently he decide chicken […]

Real MincementReal Mincement

This fall I began a bit of a food research project about mincemeat. As a child in rural Maine, mincemeat was something which was made every fall when my dad harvested a deer. We’d typically have a pie made of it at either/both Thanksgiving and Christmas time. I didn’t realize when I moved away to […]