Summer CSA Week 10Summer CSA Week 10

This is the last week of the summer CSA and the box I got was full of lots of tasty goodies including: cucumbers yellow squash zucchini sweet potatoes baby arugula eggplant bell peppers cherry tomatoes jalapenos micro greens As far as I’m concerned this is the best box I’ve gotten so far. The contents are […]

Summer CSA Week 9Summer CSA Week 9

It is the second to last week of the summer CSA. I’m splitting the box this week with friends who’ve been watering our garden for us while we were on vacation. In my half I ended up with acorn squash micro greens zucchini purple hull peas cucumbers eggplant jalapenos I’ve never dealt with purple hull […]

Summer CSA Week 8Summer CSA Week 8

The summer CSA is coming to a close. Only three week’s left! This week we got: watermelon butternut squash bell peppers cherry tomatoes cucumbers microgreens zucchini banana peppers sweet corn mustard greens Supposedly this is the end of the sweet corn so I need to make the most of it. Maybe I’ll make a roasted […]