My First CSA Box

My first CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box arrived today with a variety of tasty things including:

  • Baby mixed greens
  • Sprouts
  • Beets
  • Cauliflower
  • Carrots
  • Sugar Snap Peas
  • Spring Onions
  • Strawberries

I have a pretty good idea what I’m going to make with most of the things but the beets and carrots will be a bit of challenge. I like beet greens but not the beets themselves so I’m going to try to make beet chips with them. The carrots will likely get eaten raw because I’m really not a fan of cooked carrots. That or perhaps bread. I’m most excited about the strawberries because I LOVE them and my Cooking Light which also arrived today has several strawberry recipes in it. Yummy mousse or frozen yogurt perhaps?

I’m considering making an Indian cauliflower and red lentil curry but it will really depend on my degree of ambition. The snap peas and onions are surely destined for a stir fry and the sprouts for sandwiches. That just leaves the baby mixed greens which might become BLT fixing because I’ve got bacon left and a couple of tomatoes from my own plants are are ripening on the window sill.

All and all I’m pretty pleased with what I got. I hope I can make the most of it. I’m also hoping to make it to the Farmer’s market to see if I can get some eggs, fresh bread and maybe a chicken this week. I’m trying to be better about staying in a budget and not getting carried away with buying too much. So I’m going to set a firm spending limit and hope that keeps me in line. It is really difficult though because the veggies look SO good.

My biggest issues is that I’ve still got veggies to eat from last week. So I have to use what I have before buying anything else. Which means stir fry again for lunch tomorrow. Probably with eggplant, baby bok choy and okra. If I get use up the broccoli for dinner, then I’ll have things more under control.