Lemon Tart

I have a lemon bush in my backyard and it typically produces a lot of lemons. However, this past fall it only had three lemons. I was really sad because I like to make lemon flavored things. Biscotti, tarts and lemon meringue pie are some of my favorite things to make.

So I decided to make a lemon tart with the few lemons I had. This recipe has a butter-based crust which I was fairly confidant I could pull off. I have issues with standard Crisco-based pie crust but butter crusts I typically can get to work. I got our my nice little tart tin; made the crust and blind baked it. Then I added the delicious filling made with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Bake until done, watching super carefully to make sure the custard sets up but doesn’t over cook.

The final product is a delicious sharp lemon tart with a lovely fluted crust