Indoor Gardening

One of my favorite things about living in Houston is the fact that I can grow vegetables 8 months of the year. In the wintertime, there are really only two months of the year where I can’t grow things easily. To compensate for this my spouse has given me a variety of gifts which are indoor gardening.

This Christmas he decided that growing shiitake mushrooms indoors might be a fun project. The kit was basically a “log”, plastic bag and spray bottle. To start I had to soak the log for 4 hours in water. Then I sprayed the log twice a day and covered it with the bag to keep it moist.

Pretty soon I was seeing this.

Which turned into this

So far I’ve harvested about 8-10 mushrooms and put them in a variety of dishes from stir fry to omelettes. Now I’m waiting for the next round of mushrooms to grow so I can have some more to put in dishes.

Overall this has turned out to be a really good indoor gardening present. It has been pretty easy to do compared to last year’s gardening present – microgreens. The microgreens require much more attention and I didn’t manage to successful grow any due to the fact that I would forget to water. I’m excited to see how many more mushrooms I’ll get and if I can get a “2nd flush of mushrooms after all the buds are gone.