Homemade meatball sandwiches

Last week, I was trying to use up things from my freezer. So I made some homemade tomato sauce and fresh meatballs. I served this with pasta but ended up having quite a few leftovers. So I decided that an easy meal from the leftovers would be meatball sandwiches.

I reheated the sauce and added the meatballs to it some they would heat through but not end up too dry. Then I took rolls that were cut in half and spread shredded mozzarella cheese on them. Once the meatballs were heated through, I placed 2-3 meatballs on each rolled. Then I cover the rolls with 3-4 tablespoons of sauce and some more shredded mozzarella cheese. Lastly I convection baked them for 5-7 minutes until the cheese was bubbly.

The biggest change I’d make for next time is to use smaller meatballs or cut the meatballs up so they better fit in the rolls. Otherwise these tasted like something I’d get at an Italian sub-shop. Which means they are definitely worth making again.


1lb ground beef

1 lb ground pork or lamb

1 egg

1 cup finely diced onions

1/2-3/4 cup bread crumbs

Mix everything together and roll out meatballs. Bake on parchment lined sheet at 350 for 20 minutes. This won’t cook them completely which is desirable if you’re going to add them to a sauce or reheat in the oven.

Tomato sauce

I like Giada D Laurentiis recipe but I always substitute mushrooms for the carrots as I’m not a fan of cooked carrots. This recipe makes enough sauce for multiple meals. So I typically freeze part of it.