Homemade chicken broth

Every time I buy, spatchcock and roast a chicken, I have giblets, neck and the backbone left to use. For me, it seems like a waste to just throw these items out. So I almost always make chicken broth with these leftover parts. To do this I put all the left over parts into pot and cover them with water. Then I bring the water to a boil and turn down and simmer for 15 minutes. When the pot is done simmering, I allow the broth to cool. Then I remove all the parts from the broth. Lastly, I run the broth through a sieve to remove any bits of gristle or bone that might be left in the broth.

Because I’m not always sure when I’m going to use the broth I make, I like to freeze it. For me the best way to do this is to use a leftover plastic soup container from takeout. An alternative is to use a plastic quart container that originally had cream or buttermilk in it and has been thoroughly washed. Freezing the broth allows me to use it when I need it most for a soup or to make gravy, or risotto. I find the homemade broth less salty and more flavorful then store bought broth. So for me the small amount of time it takes to make it is well worth it.