Holiday Spritzes

When I got married spritzes became a holiday tradition at my house. My husband got me a “cookie gun” early on and I’ve been using it every year since. A couple of years ago I expanded the number of plates/shapes from the original ones to include some new Xmas specific ones such as Santa, Reindeer, holly and presents.

The presents are one of my son’s favorites to shapes to make while I prefer the Xmas trees and wreaths from the original set. I typically make a HUGE batch of plain dough to divide into fourths and color. I also like to to make the chocolate spritz variation for the reindeer and Santas.

This year my son decided on purple presents and blue “flowers”. We also make some Xmas trees. I kind of wish that we’d made the shape that looks like a fancy ornament but we just didn’t have enough dough to make any others. Maybe next year.