Grilled Ginger Garlic Soy Chicken over Asian pesto noodles

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Tonight I wanted to try a new recipe that I put together all by myself. Several weeks ago I made an Asian Pesto using the Thai Basil from my garden. I ended up with more than I could use in a single instance. So I froze a container with the extra pesto. I decided to use that to make an asian noodle pesto dish with mushrooms and orange bell peppers. I wanted to top it with some time of grilled asian flavored chicken.

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I decided to make a marinade for the chicken which included minced garlic, ginger paste and soy sauce. I put this all in a bag with a chicken breast that I had pounded thin and marinated it for 20 minutes. I grilled the chicken and then stir fried the peppers, mushrooms and Thai noodles. Once the chicken was grilled I sliced it up and and served it over the noodles.