Fall CSA Box Week 1

At last the fall CSA has started! I picked up my first box yesterday and it had so many awesome goodies!

  • cherry tomatoes
  • green beans
  • summer squash
  • zucchini
  • eggplant
  • cucumbers
  • baby greens mix of arugula and mizuna
  • micro greens
  • green peppers
  • jalapeno peppers

We immediately used the cherry tomatoes in a pasta veggie saute and I ate 2 cucumbers as a pre-dinner gosh I’m starving snack. The green beans look good but I need to see about using them ASAP because my experience has been they go by quickly. Perhaps my best bet is to simply snap and blanch them. Then I can use them at my leisure.

I’m heading off to OH for part of next week and am thinking about using the jalapenos in a jalapeno carrot cake. I’ve never made one before but this recipe sure looks good. It is supposed to rain this weekend so this would be the time to get some baking done. Since I’m turning on the oven and heating up the house, I should make the most of it and bake some bread as well. My flatbread success has gotten me interested in making a whole wheat loaf for my spouse to use for sandwiches. I think I’ve found a recipe that will work but I have to do some checking of nutrition info, then give it a shot.