Egg casserole

One thing that I liked to make for my spouse before we discovered he had diabetes was quiche. The problem is that quiche involves pie crust and my spouse wanting to avoid carbs as much as possible is not longer a fan. Recently he suggested to me, “why don’t you just make the quiche without the crust”. I’ve made strata before so the idea of making a crustless and breadless egg casserole seemed like a reasonable possibility. My chief concern involved how to not have it stick profusely to the pan rendering it eatable but not very attractive. To prevent think I choose a nice glass 9×9 baking dish and greased well with spray Pam.

Because we had a bunch of leftover ham that had been sitting in the freezer, I decided to make a mushroom, onion, pea, ham and cheese egg casserole. The cheese was a nice smokey chipotle gouda that I’d discovered at the grocery store the previous week. In order to remove the extra liquid that inevitably makes it way into the casserole and messes up the texture, I sauted the onions and mushrooms before putting them into the pan. I then added the ham and frozen peas. Next I beat 5 eggs with about a 1/3 cup of milk and added this to the pan. Lastly, I topped with the chipotle gouda I’d shredded. This went into the oven at 350 degrees for about 50 – 55 minutes.

The end result was quite tasty and had a nice texture. The only complaint I had was of course it stuck to the pan a bit. However, if my spouse had resisted his zeal to eat it and used a knife to loosen the side I think it would have come out cleanly. My pieces which had this done to them looked great! Only thing I’d do differently next time is use fewer peas