Double chocolate cookies

A former co-worker gave me this awesome recipe for double chocolate cookies. I’ve made them several times before but it has been a while since I made them. I’ve been really into dark chocolate of late so I decided that I wanted to tweak the recipe so it was double DARK chocolate cookies. To do this I got Ghirardelli 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chips to put in the cookies. I also decided that I’d reduce the amount of granulated sugar in the recipe from 3/4 cup to 1/2 a cup. The hope was that this would bring out the darker chocolate flavors of the unsweetened cocoa powder in the cookies. The resulting cookies had the much richer dark chocolate flavor that I was going for.

The success has emboldened me to think about tweaking the recipe further to be an even DARKER chocolate flavor and add to also add some other notes by including dried cherries. Unfortunately, Ghirardelli doesn’t make chocolate chips that are any darker. So to get a darker chocolate flavor, I’ll need to use 70% Cacao Extra Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Bar and break it up into bite size pieces to put into the cookies. I haven’t had to try this out yet but I’m hoping to give it a shot sometime after the new year.