CSA box leftovers part 2

Pickling was another endeavor that I was exposed to as a child. My family passed on a ton of pickle recipes most of which I’ve never tried for a couple reasons.

  1. I haven’t been able to scale them back to the amount of cucumbers I have. I do not have a bushel of cucumbers with is often what my mom or gram would pickle.
  2. Canning jars. I don’t need/want 9 million of these thank you very much

So what’s a girl with extra cucumbers and a small amount of ambition to do? Make refrigerator pickled things!


What?? Refrigerator pickles, you say? Basically, pickled stuff can be stored in the fridge for a month. Plus you technically don’t have to use canning jars. Pyrex glass container will work just fine too. Eating Well has a good article about this. You can also just fake yourself a canner using a pot and a wire rack which is what I ended up doing.

Ok, so that takes care of a few MORE of my CSA leftovers but what about the jalapenos and squash I still have post lasagna? Technically, you can pickle whatever you feel like. There are couple great New York Times articles with many different interesting examples. I decided to use the one for zucchini and squash to pickle the petite-pan squash I had.


Whoot! I also was able to pickle my jalapenos per Simply Recipes site. I’ll use these and the Pickled Mexican Red Onions I made on tacos or maybe when I make Puerco Pibil next.