Citrus Cookies

I’ve been doing a ton of holiday baking the last three weeks in order to be able to send out treat boxes this week. I have lots of recipes for cookies and there are several that I typically make every year. However, most years I try a couple new recipes. This year I decided I should make some cookies using the lemons from my bush since I have SO MANY.

Luckily Epicurious has a list of 100+ cookies which are their favorites and this had a couple different cookies which use citrus. I decided to try Citrus Cookies which use a variety of citrus zest – grapefruit, lemon, lime, and orange.

The hardest part of the recipe is the IMMENSE amount of zesting required. Otherwise these are really simple drop cookies that took no time to make at all. The final product as a really soft fluffy cookies that had a zippy tasty.

While I liked these alot,I’m not sure how soon I’ll make these again because they are fairly temperature sensitive. Even through I strictly followed the recipe, I burned the first batch which fouled up the tasty a bit. The second batch I reduced the cook time by 2 minutes and this solved the issue of too brown bottoms. However, the cookies didn’t setup as firmly as I would have liked. As a result, I had to wait for them to cool on the pan before attempting to move them to the wire rack to complete cooling.

Next time I’m going to try the gluten-free citrus sugar cookies. These also require zest but have a crispier texture and a flavorful glaze.