Category: Experiments

Homemade Corned BeefHomemade Corned Beef

[singlepic id=148 w=320 h=240 float=right] Two weekend ago I started my homemade corned beef project. I made a nice brine and packed 4 pieces of beef brisket into ziptop bags filled with brine. This was put into the refrigerator for 7 days. The following weekend I removed the ziptop bags from the fridge emptied the […]

Kale GratinKale Gratin

This time of year one of the vegetables commonly available is kale. I’ve tried making this vegetable several different ways in order to get my spouse to eat it. I’ve braised it, put it in soup, made little “kale meatless balls” with it. Alas, no success. This week I decided to take a different tack. […]