Category: Childhood Foods


One of the most common things that my mom would make growing up were Greek meatballs. Keftedes, as they are known, are made from a mixture of ground beef and/or lamb, onion and/or garlic, oregano, bread crumbs, and eggs. My mom made them of lean ground beef. She would not include garlic in her mixture […]

Real MincementReal Mincement

This fall I began a bit of a food research project about mincemeat. As a child in rural Maine, mincemeat was something which was made every fall when my dad harvested a deer. We’d typically have a pie made of it at either/both Thanksgiving and Christmas time. I didn’t realize when I moved away to […]


This might seem like an incredibly simple thing to make but really good popcorn can be quite difficult to make. As a child, popcorn was a special treat that I had when my brother and I went to stay with my grandparents overnight. Gram would always make dinner for us. But after dinner Pa would […]

Red Hot dogsRed Hot dogs

[singlepic id=242 w=320 h=240 float=left] When I was home visiting family earlier this month I had the opportunity have one of my absolute favorites from childhood: red hot dogs (aka red snappers). I sure you think I’m lost my mind when I say this is something I look forward to every year. However, hot dogs […]