Category: Baked Goods

OMG Pears againOMG Pears again

[singlepic id=208 w=320 h=240 float=left] It is that time of the year again. The time when my pear tree produces an insane number of pears. Last year the crop was small, about 80 pears. Unfortunately, this year the tree produced more than double that number. 170 pears in total. So I need a way to […]

Peach PiePeach Pie

[singlepic id=205 w=320 h=240 float=right] Another staple of the CSA box has been peaches and we’ve accumulated more than a few to eat or use. I need to reduce the number I have on hand so I thought about making a peach crisp but didn’t have the time. Instead my spouse decided to make a […]