Buttermilk Cheese Scones

Typically I keep my weekday breakfasts simple and easy. Mostly because I get up VERY early in order to workout every morning. However, this week I ran out of yogurt which is my typical morning fare. So I needed something else ready-made to have for breakfast the rest of the week. So I decided to make-up a batch of Buttermilk Cheese Scones.

I’m not a big fan of sweet scones but these savory ones really appeal to me because it includes crushed red pepper which gives the scones a little bit of zip! I got this recipe from the myrecipes website and I’ve made it a couple times before.  It is supposed to make 12 scones but I made 8 so I can have a more substantial breakfast before my workout. By making a small batch, I also know that they won’t go stale before I have a chance to eat them all.