Bakery-Style Chocolate Chip Muffins

I’m decidedly NOT a morning person. While I like tasty things for breakfast, the morning doesn’t bring out my best kitchen skills. So I REALLY don’t like to have to prepare anything in the mornings.

PC (pre-covid) I’d often just go to Starbucks, Panera, or the grocery store and grabs something. That option is no longer viable during covid-times. So most weekends I try to pre-bake or make something for breakfast for the following week. This way I can merely roll out of bed, get coffee and a premade thing while I wake up.

One of my favorite things to get has always been chocolate chip muffins. But I’ve never made them and this week decided that 6 months with none was enough. So I went on the hunt for a recipe and discovered a terrific one. It was super easy to make and doesn’t take anything outside the normal scope of my baking pantry. The one difference between other muffin recipes is the baking, which starts at a high temperature for a period of time but then lowers the temperature for the rest of the bake time.

The final product has a FABULOUS texture. The external crust is absolutely perfect while the inside is very moist. The recipe makes a dozen which means I end up with 2 weeks worth of muffins for breakfast. That is if my son doesn’t gobble them all down. I’ll definitely be making this one again.