Almond Toffee Bars

One holiday no long after my sister in-law joined the family she made the BEST treats and brought them to the Christmas Eve party. I asked her what they were and she shared her recipe for Almond Toffee Bars. I’ve been making them as part of my holiday treat box pretty much every since.

The bars are incredibly simple to make. First you make a mix of flour, egg, butter, sugar, sliced almonds, and mini chocolate chips. 2/3 of this goes into the pan and gets baked for 10 minutes at 350. When this comes out to pour a can of sweetened condensed milk on top of it. Then you add the rest of the mix, toffee bits, more almond slices and mini chocolate chips. Then it all gets baked again. The result are these delicious, decadent bars which an awesome combination of savory and sweet. I typically cut them into rectangles which are a couple bites because any more than that is just too much.

This year I decided to make some modifications to the recipe to make it gluten free for a GF co-worker who I’m sending a treat box to. The change was a simple swap of GF flour and a duck egg into the recipe. Then resulting bars where a little crumbly but I’m pretty sure I can fix this next year by using a bit more egg and condensed milk to hold everything together.

Even though they were crumbly the bars were still TO DIE FOR. I hope they are a hit with this year’s treat box recipients.