Red Fish Crusted with Red Lentils

I was reading about different ways to use red lentils last night and came across a blog post about a person grinding red lentils in their coffee grinder to make flour and using this is various ways. One way was to make lentil chips which sounded yummy.

Another way that people were describing using the lentil flour was as a breading. So tonight I decided I try crusting my fish fillets with red lentil flour. I took about 3 tbs of red lentils and put them in the coffee grinder and ground it to a fine powder. I had to stop and move the material around a little bit so it would grind evenly. After grinding the flour I poured it into a swallow dish and dredged the fish in it. Then I pan fried the fish fillets.

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I really liked the texture of the result but it felt like it was missing something in terms of spices. So I think next time I’ll mix the red lentil flour with a little cumin, salt and New Mexico chili powder to give it a bit more flavor. Since I have a bag of red lentils I’m pretty sure I’ll have a chance to try this again and get the breading the appropriate flavor.