Thai spin on Bahn Mi

I really love different kinds of asian food and living in Houston we have lots of asian choices: Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese and Chinese. I often get a Bahn Mi sandwich from a local place. However, this week I decided that I’d try to make my own. I pickled some cucumbers and carrots; got some nice french rolls at the store. Grilled marinated pork tenderloin. Chopped fresh cilantro and jalapenos. However, I was lacking one key ingredient – homemade mayonnaise.

I grabbed a recipe online and it LOOKED simple enough but I failed to get the oil to properly be incorporated and emulsified. So my first sandwich ended up using jarred mayo which was a bit of a disappointment but still pretty good.

Then today at lunch I decided I’d give it another shot while cleaning out the fridge. I found some leftover chicken satay and peanut sauce along with the rest of my pickled veggies. So I warmed the satay, toasted another roll, spread the peanut sauce, loaded up the veggies and added the leftover meat. YUM!

The peanut sauce added the fatty richness that homemade mayo would have provided. The leftover satay was a great substitute for grilling addition meat.

I’d like to give creating mayonnaise another shot but I’m going to have to look for alternatives in case I’m not able to make a recipe work.