Month: July 2012

Asian PestoAsian Pesto

[singlepic id=200 w=320 h=240 float=left] What do you do when your non-Italian varieties of basil take off like crazy? (This picture is post trimming!) Particularly super fragrant Asian varieties? My front herb bed is out of control with basil. This past weekend we go so much rain that it toppled everything over and into the […]

Summer CSA Week 3Summer CSA Week 3

Because 4th of July is this week my CSA box showed up on Tuesday instead of Thursday. It is pretty much a repeat of last week and included: Slicer tomatoes Cucumbers’ Cantaloupe Peaches Eggplant Green Beans New Potatoes Bell peppers Jalapeno peppers (hot) Banana peppers Sweet Corn The banana peppers and eggplant will surely get […]